Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tequila Joe's (Rodney Bay, St. Lucia)

I have to admit I was not impressed by the Hangover 2, it paled in comparison to the original and this weekend getaway could give that weak story line a run for its money.  So we started off this little adventure with a stop at the rum shop by the airport..then took a cab up to our nice little guesthouse in Rodney Bay.  The guest house was very cute and had a fantastic view.  We were so excited about our mini vacation that the rum drinking began immediately.  One stop at the gas station to pick up supplies and my friend Hamoon had already started to make some new island friends (meaning arguing with locals about getting cut in the line at the register), but anyway we were just excited to see how cheap the rum was on St. Lucia.  Picked up a large bottle of Bounty Rum, some cokes, and grapefruit juice and we were on our way.  Decided to sit out on our deck and enjoy our beverages to prepare for the weekly street party.  This street party takes place every Friday night.  Reggae music blares, the aroma of BBQ chicken, fresh fish, rum and Pitons (local beer) fill the air and locals and tourists alike come from all over the island to enjoy themselves.  So we made our way down to the street party around 9 after we decided that we needed to absorb some of the rum.  The party was great, kind of a blur honestly but lots of dancing and lots of drinking and some eating too.  So around 1:30 (early for us), but we'd been drinking since we got there, we made our way back to our little home by cab as we had heard it was a bit dangerous to walk up our street after dark.  There were only 3 amigos that went home early my friends Billy and Ally and myself.  Hamoon stuck around at the street party to make a few more "friends."  We decided we'd leave the door unlocked for Hamoon, not open, just unlocked.  Big mistake.  The next morning around 7am my friend Ally came into my room and said "Katie, we've been .....robbed!"  Obviously, it was a bit early to hear this, my head was still spinning.  But, I did catch a glimpse of my wallet open on the bedside table and saw my camera missing.  Ally informed me that Hamoon's computer had been stolen too.  Now, the funny thing is we were home when this happened and the lights were on.  So this robber must have had some real cojones.  We notified the guesthouse owner and he seemed very confused and it appeared that he did not believe us.  But, honestly why would someone lie about being burgled? (Billy's amazing word, imagine it in a concerned, British accent).  So we decided to lock all of our other belongings in one room, secure all of the windows, and lock the back door by way of tying a sheet to the couch as Hamoons ass had broken the key in the door the night before. Basically, we were screwed.  But, we decided to make the most of our trip so we headed down to the nearest car rental agency and rented one of the most reliable cars they had.....or so we thought.  We headed south and we very excited to swim in tall, glistening waterfalls and hot bubbling mud baths.  Well...about 30 minutes into this road trip the car's brakes began to fail.  Now, this is quite dangerous, as St. Lucia is all hills.  We call the car rental agency to notify them and they claim that the brakes were changed the previous day.  Seems hard to imagine.  But, also seems to be right on par with our magical weekend.  We keep trekking along, nothing can stop us.  We follow the map and the road signs to Diamond Falls, supposedly very impressive.  Well, we're scammed into paying to see this waterfall, only later to find it is forbidden to swim under it and be completely disappointed by its size and beauty.  We leave immediately and decide that maybe the mud baths will be more exciting.  Well, approximately 2 hours later we find ourselves hiking on a main road..that supposedly leads to the mud baths.  Coincidentally, it does not...45 minutes later, dripping sweat, the sun is scalding we find ourselves back in our car to realize that we made a turn only 800 yards too early.  We finally make it to the mud baths.  They're awesome actually.  You completely cover yourself in mud and then soak in a hot bath.  Your skin feels amazing afterwards.  We made our way back up the coast and decided it would be smart to have an easy we walked around Rodney Bay a bit, had a few beers, then went home.  We all slept in the same room, just to be safe.  We went to the beach the next day, rode some jet skis, and then headed to lunch at Tequila Joe's.  Service was slow, but the cocktails were strong so we were content. We decided on the shrimp nachos to start.  They took a while, but were worth the wait.  The blue and yellow corn chips were topped with cheddar cheese, guacamole, and well seasoned shrimp.  Black beans could be found at the bottom, beneath the chips and sour cream and salsa came on the side.  The chips were nice and crunchy, obviously had been in the oven.  The shrimp and guacamole were delicious! The serving size looks small, but it was actually just right for the four of us.  I loved them and after the weekend we had had, it was a great finish!  However, the weekend was not completely over..we phoned our cab driver to pick us up for the airport...he arrived around 7:30.  We pile into to the cab.  We had a great time, but were actually excepted to be going back to Barbados.  Then, we hear a strange sound coming from beneath the car...the muffler is dragging....the muffler drags for the 25 minute ride back to the airport.  We are travelling at about 25 was greatest finale to the weekend.  We sounded like something out of Uncle Buck driving down the road.  Stares were coming from all directions and we just died laughing in the car.  St. Lucia you were great, but we won't be back anytime soon. The nachos get a 9.2/10.