Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Irish Nachos" District 2 (Van Ness, DC)

So, I thought it was about time that I added a little variety to this page. I realize that I have an awful lots of posts about chili nachos and when I set out on this nacho adventure I was hoping to embark on all kinds of interesting nacho dishes. However, I tend to only come across pretty standard nacho platters and I'm afraid my posts might be becoming a bit monotonous. So, I saw that District 2 had Irish nachos which used kettle potato chips as the base instead of the standard tortilla chip- I thought this would be a great chance to mix it up a bit, man what a disappointment.
A few friends and I hiked it up to District 2 last week, purely because I had been wanting to try these nachos for a while now. I really appreciate my friends and their patience. When we arrived we immediately ordered some drinks and the Irish nachos. The waitress said that they no longer served them on the kettle chips and that they've now converted to the tortilla. Man, was I bummed. I hesitated for a minute as she asked if that was okay...she seemed to think it was absolutely fine. I on the other hand was completely disappointed. I sat there pouting for a a few minutes and then agreed that I would still have them. I had been so excited to try the Irish nachos and add something a little different to my resume as nacho connoisseur. The nachos came out a few minutes later and they looked sad and I was sad. They were just blah-white corn chips with a cheese fondue sauce scattered on top of them. The sour cream was chunky. The guacamole had little flavor and the salsa was eh. I mean I ate them of course, but was not pleased with them. The chips had no flavor, no salt, no crunch and the cheese probably only covered 50% of them. I was not happy, so I was forced to order another drink. So I would say skip the nachos at District 2, but the fried pickles are a MUST! I promise I was skeptical too, just try them and you'll die.
I give the nachos a 2.2/10 and the pickles a 9.3/10 for my girl Snooki.

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