It was your average Sunday morning abroad, rolled over around 2:00pm said to myself "I can't believe I slept until 2:00pm again" called around to recap the events of the evening and all decided where the best place to absorb some of last nights beverages would be. We decided to start with breakfast food. Pancakes on the Rocks is one of the most notorious restaurants in Sydney, lines are out the door nearly everyday of the week at almost any time of day. Their pancakes are absolutely out of this world. You can have them topped with bananas, apples, blueberries, strawberries, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, chocolate chips, or ice cream. So we arrive to the restaurant around 2:30pm, all sporting water bottles (hydrating) and take a browse at the menu. The options look tantalizing and it wasn't 30 seconds before looking over the menu that I spotted my favorite friendly snack. Now, who ever said nachos for breakfast was outrageous, (god, would who ever say that?) are wrong. I proceeded to order myself some blueberry pancakes with ice cream and chocolate sauce (study abroad is not for the weak stomached-that goes for food and libation) and a side of nachos. The pancakes were delicious-rich, fluffy, and absolutely mouth watering with the fresh blueberries and ice cream. The nachos came as dessert (Australia doesn't quite have their restaurant skills down yet, often times appetizers arrive after the meal). The nachos were smothered in cheese, chili, guacamole, sour cream and jalapenos-my five essential ingredients. They were delicious, a real pallet cleanser, after gorging my heap of pancakes. They were just the right amount for dessert, not too big, not too small. Nothing like nachos to start the day off right.
I give them a 7.8/10.

You forgot to talk about the BloodyMary! That was a 2 out of 10. It was too spicy, had almost no vodka, and arrieved after your nachos :-)